Friday, January 1, 2010

High Blood Pressure Symptoms Do They Exist?

Do you wonder if there are any high blood pressure symptoms or warning signs?They call this malady “the silent killer” because any pre-warning of any high blood pressure symptoms are either non existent or very mild that a sufferer would not think anything of them, nor make a connection that something more serious was brewing.
So in a way there are no obvious physical symptoms that potential high blood pressure sufferers could know by that something was brewing. Any signs of high blood pressure though, no matter how subtle need to be investigated.
If you are suffering from any persistent physical symptoms of high blood pressure, it would be wise to make an appointment with your GP as soon as possible.Let him know your concerns and ask for tests to be carried out as well as a blood pressure reading to be taken.
Don’t think you are being a nuisance as some often do. If you think you are developing any high blood pressure symptoms, get it checked out. You need to take your health seriously.
Try asking the doctor to show you how to use a monitor along with a blood pressure reading chart so you can monitor yourself at home.
Some of the reported signs of high blood pressure that people are concerned about are as follows –
  • Anemia which can be caused through the kidneys not producing enough of a certain hormone which stimulates red blood cell production. High blood pressure is a major cause of kidney failure, so any sign of anemia should be investigated.
  • Asthma. 

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